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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Cauliflower "Pancake" Patties

There are definitely certain foods that are harder than others to get your children to try (and like).  Even if your kids are great at trying new foods, one that can be difficult is cauliflower. We are excited to give you a new way to incorporate this into their diet…Cauliflower Patties.  Feel free to tweek them to fit your lifestyle and watch your kids get very excited as they watched you cook them.

Don’t be surprised that when you put these in front of your kids (and spouse) that they will think they are breakfast pancakes. They will be excited because who doesn’t LOVE pancakes? Not only will they pass the “look test”, but as a parent, it is most important for them to pass the taste test. We are almost positive that they will be hooked at first bite. They will be asking for another one before they even finish their first ones! This recipe is one for the recipe box. Enjoy from Super Food Sisters! We suggest serving this as a side dish with a side salad and piece of lean meat or with breakfast as a side to scrambled or over-easy eggs. 

Cauliflower "Pancake" Patties

1 head cauliflower
2 large eggs
1/2 cup organic cheddar cheese,  shredded
3/4 cup ground whole oats 
Seasonings to taste:
Garlic Powder
Cayenne Pepper
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
Coconut Oil (or Olive Oil)


1. Cut cauliflower into florets and boil in water until tender, about 10 - 15 minutes. Drain and mash while still warm.  

2. Stir in eggs, cheese, oats and seasonings. You may need to add more oats to receive the consistency you desire.  Mixture should be holding together and not soupy.

3. Coat the bottom of a griddle or skillet with oil of your choice over medium-high heat.  Drop the mixture by spoon fulls onto the griddle or skillet, pressing into patties with the back of your spoon so they are approximately 3 inches in diameter.  Cook until golden brown and set, about 3-5 minutes per side.  Keep each batch warm in the oven while you cook the rest.

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