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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Holiday Party Patrol

It would happen EVERY year. The holidays would come along and all self-control (and reason) went out the window. I remember the evil little voice inside me saying, “Come on, it’s a party!” or “It’s okay, it’s the holidays, indulge!” and the almighty “You deserve it”. Fast forward to after a couple glasses of wine and the voice would say, “Well, since you’ve come this far, you might as well go for it and really blow it!” Please tell me I am not the only one who hears these types of voices.

I remember feeling the guilt of the choices I made the night (or even week) before as I would drive to the next evening’s festivity. My guilt and bruised self-esteem would allow the voice to kick in and say, “Go for it Amber, after all, the holidays only last a couple of months. You’ll get back at it in January!” But after too many holidays that left me feeling run down, sick, pudgy and depressed, I decided enough is enough! So for all you people, who feel enough is enough, please read on!

I discovered there are ways to not only ENJOY the holidays, but preserve and perhaps rediscover your self-worth while dropping a pant size. YES, it is possible to actually drop a pant size (or more) through the holidays and I’m not talking about buying a pair of spanks or getting it surgically sucked out of your gut. Seriously, how amazing would you feel if you didn’t gain one single pound this holiday season and you didn’t have to do the dreaded “d” word (diet)? This is the year, my friend!

The Healthy Edge is here to support you this Holiday Season!! They are offering the PERFECT 4-part series for you PARTY ANIMALS (or not) who want to remain empowered and in control during the holidays!  Watch this Introductory Video to learn more!!

This series will consist of 4 15-20 minute power audios to keep you on track this Holiday!

Part I: Identify Your Holiday Personality 
Are you a party animal? A wall-flower? A people-pleaser? How you do anything is how you do everything.
Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is pain. When you discover HOW your personality style deals with the holiday season, you will start to see the story you tell yourself that leads to predictable behaviors and patterns. With knowledge, comes power. With power comes empowerment. Get ready to discover your holiday story and re-write it for 2014.

Part II: Setting Yourself Up to Win 
Do you save up your calories for the holiday party later that evening? Or are you someone who controls themselves, but takes home leftovers and indulges in the privacy of your own home? Lovingly, I would like to ask you, how does that work for you? I’m not a fan willpower or all-or-nothing living. I prefer to be empowered and in-control. What if there was a way to set yourself up to feel completely empowered and in control of your actions at parties and emotions during the holidays? I am excited to set you up with the keys to put you back in the driver’s seat of your own health and happiness.

Part III: Dealing with The Family Dysfunction
We all have a bit of dysfunction in our families (and friends). It’s amazing how quickly we can be transported to the memories and feelings of the past by a word, phrase, look or act. It may be what your “mother-in-law” says every year about your cooking, or how your father passive-aggressively talks about your mother, or how your sibling(s) always have a way of making you feel like you are trying to be better than everyone else. Whatever your story or situation, I get it. So it’s important we talk about it. You may have all of the best intentions to stay on track during the holidays, but when you are immersed in resentment, it is easy to look for a way to self-medicate. This usually leads to saying something you regret and the dysfunction escalates. I will give you some incredible insight and coping skills to deal with your family dysfunction and avoid the negative health effects of  drinking and eating.

Part IV: Busting Through To a Breakthrough.
We all desire to grow and expand our lives (not our waistlines). This final audio is going to give you an opportunity to explore what may be holding you back from actually executing a different strategy this year during the holidays. It’s our belief systems. Get ready to bring to light the beliefs that drive your actions, even if the actions produce results you don’t want! We will discuss how we make choices to move away from pain or towards pleasure, especially around food, alcohol, exercise and eating healthy during the holidays. This is a powerful lesson that will has the power to transform your current and future health reality.

Join this series and receive 15 – 20 minute audios to empower and inspire you through the holidays. Listen to them on your iPhone or iPod.  These audios will be available (one delivered each week) in our online community that you are a part of as soon as you join! You will also enjoy a weekly newsletter full of additional support including guilt-free holidays recipes designed to keep your hips and bum in check. You can also interact with our private and supportive Facebook Community that will provide you daily holiday tips.  THERE’S MORE! Also enjoy access to the most comprehensive and supportive online health library including access to hundreds of ADDITIONAL delicious whole-food recipes.

This series is offered to The Healthy Edge online community members. You can join our online community FREE for 7 days and join for only $9.97 monthly. Cancel at anytime. No obligation.  Sign up today at www.getthehealthyedge.com!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I am a party animal. I like to attend every holiday party thrown by my friends. I usually buy a nice and unique gift for everyone. Now I am excited to buy a dress for my next party. I am sure I will look best in this holiday party.


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